Friday, May 23, 2008

Jam Labels

For recruiter session many people made business cards. I made jam. I was worried at first that this might be a bad idea; might look like some sort of weird bribe or 1950s homemaker gesture. But I made jam and I really like how it came out.

On the jam lid, I put an 1.5" x 1.5" accordion fold brochure with some information about me and my contact information.

On my table, I put the following few sentences on a table tent.


If you hire me, we’re going to be spending a lot of time together and there are only so many hours we can spend discussing my resume or my portfolio.

An agency is more than the work that comes out of it. It is the people who spend every day creating communication together, laughing, arguing and sharing their lives with each other. And so I made jam with berries picked from a local farm.

Now, you have my contact info and you also have a little sample of who I am beyond the book: a cook, an avid tourist, a point-and-shoot photography addict.

If only I could have fit my love for jazz music in there somewhere.

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