Thursday, August 31, 2006

Fenske suggestions

Read the poem "Great Blue Heron: Fishes With Beak" by Ted Kooser

Read Business Day in the New York Times

Give people permission to enter your world

Carry a pen and a notebook

Follow these websites:,,,

Look for what's not there

Keep in mind the following idea: Fosbury Flop

Know what a concept is

Don't tell us something we already know

Remember the following Paul Arden Quotes:
"It's not how good you are, it's how good you want to be." and "Whaterver you think, think the opposite."

Thursday, August 24, 2006

Welcome to your new life

Welcome to my new life at the VCU Adcenter. I am a 23 year old planning-hopeful, embarking on what has the potential to be the journey of a lifetime. One year ago I hadn't even seriously considered strategic planning as a career option. Today, I begin orientation at the most competitive planning / advertising school in the United States.

For more details, check it out at: