Saturday, May 19, 2007

Speaker Series: Nancy Vonk and Janet Kent

Nancy Vonk and Janet Kent, CCOs of Ogilvy Toronto, spoke to us today about their work on the Dove Evolution campaign with a talk entitled "Evolution: Ads are Dead."

Nancy and Janet begun their talk by pointing out that solving problems with a :30 spot isn't going to happen. We are at a tipping point. And so it is an exciting time to be in advertising. TV and print are tools for this trade, but they are no longer the only tools. Campaigns like BMW Films and the Subservient Chicken, which were earth shattering at their inception, are now mainstream.

The ladies of Ogilvy pointed out that big brands need to ask big questions. The best work is elected to be seen, and consumers don't make that kind of choice when the same old methods and message are used to get in touch with them. We are in a time when work is being researched to death and clients cannot keep up with new technology. In the words of Don Tapscott, we are in "the age of marketing to cats."

This brought the talk to the Dove Evolution campaign. Now that it's done and successful, everyone wants a dove film, but it took three years of work to get there. First came the Dove Self Esteem Fund. The Self Esteem Fund existed before the Real Beauty campaign, and so layers of its good will message can be seen throughout the. campaign.

Big Idea versus Big Ideal.

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