Thursday, October 26, 2006

Dave O'Hare

Our guest teacher in Creative Thinking today was Dave O'Hare, current freelancer, former copywriter at Goodby and Chiat. Dave O'Hare was quite intriguing, as he got into this business after graduating from USC, selling a screenplay, and then having it stolen. He became enamored with the Apple launch ads and began to send their agency pieces once a month to showcase his copywriiting skills. Fabulous.

Aside from being a cool person to talk to, Dave has some interesting insights into the ad business. In list form, because I am tired, here they are:

- Advertising is a game of connect the dots. Get people to participate.

- There are not many unique distinguishing factors in products, so make people like you better.

- Understand the power of perception and of participation.

- We have a responsability to be respectful.

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