Monday, November 6, 2006


We talk a lot about ethics in my Business of Advertising class. It becomes more and more clear to me that the difference between a white lie and a major misrepresentation is actually quite small. It also becomes more and more clear to me that in corporate situations where big money is involved, people often rely on the "it's not that bad" and "everyone else is doing it" methods of self-testing to decide if their personal ethics are high enough.

I feel that I am a pretty ethical person in general. And yet, ethics in a sterile room mean very little. What would I do if my job was on the line? My promotion? My reputation? And so, I am beginning to develop a series of questions to help me guide myself ethically, should I ever need them. Here is what I have so far:

Why do I feel that it is necessary to do this?
How will it change someone's perceptions of me and of my capabilities?
Can I prove (in a timely manner) that I actually have those capabilities?
What will I gain?
What will the other person(s) lose?
Would I feel at ease telling my friends what I did?

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